As a lover of people, I love any opportunity to make an impact, deliver value, and interacting with groups of people while having a blast! I speak on a array of topics including - but not limited to - emotional intelligence, public speaking 101, team building, workplace morale, and compassionate leadership. Please let me know in detail your vision and how I can add value for you. Looking forward to working together!

Current Workshops and Speaking subjects include:

  • Shifting Gears: Tuning Up For Life’s Toughest Races

    • The Power of shifting. Have you ever let a moment or event bring you down? Have you ever let that bad moment turn into a bad day? Maybe that bad day turned into a bad week, or even a bad month, next thing you know that one moment has turned into a multi-year funk (breakups anyone?)! Learn and practice practical tools to shift your gears to be the best you.

  • Stand and Deliver: Breakthrough Life’s Blocks through Public Speaking

    • Research has shown that public speaking is the BIGGEST fear in the United States, even more than death! That means most Americans are more afraid of giving a eulogy than being in the casket at a funeral! But it’s not the act of public speaking that’s the actual fear, it’s the fear of being exposed, out front, without filters or walls in front of a group of people. Join us as we use public speaking as a vehicle to breakthrough our biggest limiting beliefs and gain the confidence to Stand and Deliver.

  • Be What’s Missing: The Real Life Jedi Mind-trick

    • In a climate that has become more about being on the right side and fighting for our beliefs vs reaching out to the other side of the aisle, there is something that we’re forgetting: Listening. This revolutionary training gives you real tangible tools to get what you want in any negotiation, create win wins, while creating understanding and value with all parties involved. Simply, in the face of anger to respond in kind only creates more anger. Try something different: BE what’s missing.

  • How to Love Criticism: The Power of Feedback

    • Expose your blindspots and uncover areas you didn’t even know you had to work on. Learn the value of feedback and fall in love with criticism to grow, stretch, and be the kind of leader that people want to follow. Learn to thirst for feedback opportunities and tools to give and receive feedback effectively. Learn to create a safe work environment that creates constructive feedback so it turns into a feedforward!